Dear Barry Zito

I have used space on my blog to write open letters to before and I will continue to do so this season. Just so you know, I have not given up on you. You are still my favorite player and I expect to carry a big grin on my face when you become the first Giant Cy Young winner since god knows when.
Which is why I am writing you to say - don't worry about it; it's not so bad. I know you only lasted 2/3 of an inning in your spring debut. Sure, you gave up 8 runs during that time, but you should still hang your head high, hit the club with some friends, and then come home and play guitar along with your favorite John Mayer songs.
The pressure will always be on you, courtesy of that fat salary. But, don't forget, you earned that contract and you will continue to earn it. You are still at the front of what I consider to be one of the best Giants staffs ever. You are a mentor for those young players, and you will regain your swagger. So, don't beat yourself up over one start. Just ask yourself, "What would someone with warrior spirt do?" Well, they would know they were going to thrive their next time out, and simply brush it off.
all the best,
Will of Still Orange and Black
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