Bring Barry Back
(In a Few Months)

The Major League Baseball Players Association is - not shocked - but at least intrigued by the lack of offers directed towards baseball's exiled home run king. ESPN reports that "union head Donald Fehr said his staff will examine possible collusion against Bonds and others."
The 43-year old Bonds doesn't sound ready to hang 'em up just yet. He's been training hard, as you can see from the picture on his official website. He has also stated,
I'm not going to retire. I don't think that's going to happen. I'm working out, I'm training. If my phone rings, it rings, if it don't, it don't. I have a cell phone. I have a Blackberry. They work. If something comes up, I'm sure they'll let me know. I'll come back in July if I have to. It depends on the circumstances.Which leads me back to the Giants, who most likely will be in need of a left handed power hitter come July. Maybe it would be against everything the Giants claim to stand for right now, but it might actually give us a fighting chance. And come on, is Barry's impact in the clubhouse all that bad? Ok, that was not a good question but ... come on, what have the Giants got to lose?
Labels: Bonds Updates
Here's what I see happening. The Yankees don't have a playoff spot by June or July. The Steinbrenners get desperate and give Bonds a three month contract worth around $10 million, a la Roger Clemens.
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