Monday, March 31, 2008

Giants 25 Man Roster

No Barry Bonds and a whole lot of new faces ...

Matt Cain
Kevin Correia
Brad Hennessey
Tim Lincecum
Jonathan Sanchez
Jack Taschner
Erick Threets
Merkin Valdez
Tyler Walker
Brian Wilson
Keiichi Yabu
Barry Zito

Steve Holm
Bengie Molina

Rich Aurilia
Brian Bocock
Jose Castillo
Ray Durham
Daniel Ortmeier
Eugenio Velez

Rajai Davis
Fred Lewis
Dave Roberts
Aaron Rowand
Randy Winn

If you can't recognize most of these names, you should read this.

It has been difficult to be a Giants fan these last several years - losing records, injuries, and bad contracts. We may be critical - but we stand by our team through good times and bad. The Giants remain one of the most storied franchises in the history of baseball and have a crop of new stars ready to add new pages to the Giants history books. Lincecum, Cain, Sanchez, Wilson and Sandoval are giving us reasons to be excited. Times may not always be stellar, but the Giants always give us something to talk about.