Jose's Ex Wrote a Book, Too

At the age of nineteen, I fell hopelessly in love with the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. It took me the better part of a decade to get over that horrible addiction.The reviewers on seem pretty torn over this one. Some love it.
I found ths to be a fascinating book. It reads like a novel. Even though you know the ending, each chapter left me in amazement as to what they could come up with next. I realize that this is just her story, and that his story of the maeeiage would be different but who cares. This is not a story with a great deal of depth, but it is JUICY. (John Matlock)Some hate it.
I borrowed this from a friend as I read Canseco's juiced. This is what happens when trash come across lots of money! Jessica and Jose should have their daughter taken away from them as they are clearly unfit to be parents. What sort of a parent leaves their child at home to go out and do drugs, have threesomes and participate in screaming matches in front of their child? Unfit parents-that's who.And most say they can't be sympathetic to Jessica because she should have know Jose would cheat on her.
I think I need to read more novels.
Also, get set next week for the release of my new book, Juice it Up: Wild Smoothies, Rampant Raspberries, Blended Fruit, and the Confessions of a Baseball Fan Who Got Hooked on Jamba Juice. I'm telling you ... I name some big names.
Labels: Jose Canseco
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